In 2022, My Office:
Served 8,588 persons suffering with a mental health crisis
Served 381 victims/survivors of sexual assault
Investigated 4447 deaths
Referred 89 organ donors to LOPA which enhanced 7500 lives
Provided Safe Sleep community education and continue to work towards a decrease in infant mortality each year
Continued to educate the community on heroin, fentanyl and opioid abuse
Thank you for visiting our website. If you are here because you have experienced a loss or crisis, we want to offer our condolences and our help in your time of need.
Dr. Beau Clark

How Can we Help?
When citizens have to engage the services of the Coroner’s Office, something bad has happened – someone has died, is suffering a mental health crisis, or has been sexually assaulted. My office will do our best to lessen your burden during this time. Our website offers answers to many questions you may have and what the next steps will be.