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mental health INVESTIGATION

The East Baton Rouge Coroner’s Office exists to serve the citizens of East Baton Rouge Parish, and the State of Louisiana, by providing service to the mentally ill and their families by offering services including Orders of Protective Custody and Coroner Emergency Certificates.

Orders of Protective Custody will be provided during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. For after hours service, please contact 9-1-1. A peace officer or a peace officer accompanied by an emergency medical service trained technician may take a person into protective custody and transport him to a treatment facility for a medical evaluation when, as a result of his personal observation, the peace officer or emergency medical service technician has reasonable grounds to believe the person is a proper subject for involuntary admission to a treatment facility because the person is acting in a manner dangerous to himself or dangerous to others, is gravely disabled, and is in need of immediate hospitalization to protect such a person or others from physical harm.

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